

  • To develop the skills about designing dresses
  • To cooperate with the people from different ares and hold a fashion show.
  • To charity and help the people in need.
  • To learn organize a show.

Learning outcomes:

  •         Increased their awareness of their own strengths and areas for growth
  •         Undertaken new challenges- can design the dresses and know the skills   
  •         Planned and initiated activities- Plan to hold a fashion show
  •         Worked collaboratively with others – work with the people form different areas.
  •         Shown perseverance and commitment in their activities- Never give up the plan.
  •          Engaged with issues of global importance- charity for the people in need 
  •         Considered the ethical implications of their actions- we helping the people for living.
  •         Developed new skills- new skills of communication, cooperation and designing and making dresses.

I plan to hold a fashion in school, for preparing the show, I need to do design first which is fashion drawing. In drawing, I need to learn the ratio of human body, different angle and pose of human body, different make up and hair and how to coloring the fashion drawing. And second, I need to learn different skill of sewing, such as zippers, vests and dresses. In the end, I need to learn how to cooperated with people to organize the fashion show, including the lights, music, the models and publicity.