- To manage the wastes in school by collecting it and sending it to Buddha Tzu Chi
- To set up a recycled system in school
Learning outcomes:
- · Increased their awareness of their own strengths and areas for growth-
- · Undertaken new challenges- educated the people to recycle.
- · Planned and initiated activities- Plan to set up a recycled system in school.
- · Worked collaboratively with others – distribute the works with the group.
- · Shown perseverance and commitment in their activities- must to set up the system in school
- · Engaged with issues of global importance- help to stop global warming by recycling
- · Considered the ethical implications of their actions- the waste will be sell and reuse the money will be charity
- · Developed new skills- new skills of communication, teaching and recycling.
I chose recycle to be my service, there’s a group in my class and in grade 8, and we plan to do recycle in school, after this two year program, Sinarmas World Academy will become a school which is doing recycle. We are going to cooperate with Tzu Chi that is a Taiwanese charity and have a long experience at recycling. The program is including place the classify bin with different color, educated people to do recycle and our aim is do make Sinarmas World Academy as a recycling school.