2011年9月8日 星期四

Bin project meeting after vacation

We have done the presentation to the principle and got a positive feedback. The principle and school's CEO are both happy with the project. We lost some of the members that was the leader last year and that cause some missing and confuse part. We didn't transfer the job well and miss some point of the project. I got a meeting with Mr. rick, the grade 8 group and the school's accouter to try to figure out what state the project is. All of us don't clearly know the details about ordering the bins and what's why we still can not get the bin in school until now. The accouter said that she knows the project and the thing that we need to do is to decide the ordering detail such as the materials and company and form the proposal. School will support this project, and we are pretty close to get it done all we need is more effort and communication. We plan to have a meeting tomorrow lunch time and figure all the problems out.

Teddy Baby Project

(The picture is about the fabric and example that I'm going to use for the club)

  • To teach people how to do hand making and some knowledges about fabric.
  • To help the people in need by teaching them and sell the hand making.

Learning outcomes:

  • ·       Increased their awareness of their own strengths and areas for growth- learning how to teach
  • ·       Undertaken new challenges- learn how to teach and helping people in need. 
  • ·       Planned and initiated activities- Plan from teaching people to bring the charity back.
  • ·       Worked collaboratively with others – work with the club members.
  • ·       Shown perseverance and commitment in their activities- go to every lesson and meeting.
  • ·       Engaged with issues of global importance- give the opportunity to poor people in Indonesia.
  • ·       Considered the ethical implications of their actions- help the poor people in need.
  • ·       Developed new skills- learn how to teaching and selling.

I plan to hold a hand making club in school's after school program. I am going to teach people how to make teddy bear, giraffe, bunny and little bags. I got the idea from one of the foundation called 'Sunshine' that I worked during summer vacation. I got the skill and interest in hand making that I help the foundation to make some items for charity and I think it will be a good idea to teach and introduce this good hobby to the others. I have been learned so much from the others and this is a good chance for me to learn how to teach. I am going to put the hand making club as a part of my fashion show, I can also sale the teddy bear made by me and my students for charity, too. The club is going to be on every Monday after school. We also plan to teach the poor people around about the hand making skills and sell the products for them for living. We are not only develop our new skills but help the people in need.

Football Team

  • To improve football skills such as shooting and passing.
  • To learn how to work as a team and win the games.
Learning outcomes:
  • ·       Increased their awareness of their own strengths and areas for growth-  got new football skills such as  shooting and passing and group working
  • ·       Undertaken new challenges- can play the football better such as passing and shooting.  
  • ·       Planned and initiated activities- Plan to develop the skill and join the train and match.
  • ·       Worked collaboratively with others – in football we all work in team.
  • ·       Shown perseverance and commitment in their activities
  • ·       Developed new skills- Develop football skill such as passing, heading, running.

I join the football team in school for grade 12 as well. My goal is to learn how to cooperate with people and win the games. We got much more games then last year, that means more efforts and possibilities to win. We got a lot more players this year and only train for one season. This is a very good opportunity for me to improve my football skills, learn collaboration and try my best to win the games. The training is going to be every Wednesday and Friday after school.