2011年8月14日 星期日

Jonathan Su Foundation- Snokelling

 9th July, 2011
Every weekend I went to Jonathan Su Foundation and this week we learned how to snokelling. Befor we actually dive into the ocean, we practice breathing with goggle. It was very difficul to use mouth for breathing and the professor said in the ocean it is normal that the water will keep fill into the goggle so we need to practice breathing with water in.

After breating training on land we finally were going to ocean. Ocean is a very soft killer, we need to be very careful. We need to wear diving suit and shoes to protect our body and feet, another benefit of wearing diving suit is to keep us warm and floating. The water is cool and very fit with the hot summer, I was the first one who jumped into the water. There was a coach came with me taught and saved me. I really enjoyed the wave but after few minutes, I could'n control the breathe with the wave, I thount I was going to died!!!!! I beg the coach to bring me back to the land, almost cried. After I was step on the land, OH~ THANKS GOD! I said to myself, but it was fun I think after a few times of practice I can control the breathe and I will feel comfortable with the wave. It was a whole new experience for me, I enjoyed and learned a lot!

Jonathan Su Foundation- making surfing board

2nd August, 2011
We went to Jonathan Su Foundation making our surfing board for the hand-made surfing board competitio in Xiamen. We already shape the four angle into rounded and now we are going to put a thin layer of glass fiber to keep the board strong and organized. We use AB glue to stick the glass fiber and styrofoam (the matireal that we used for the board is completly weak!) together. We need to careful by using the AB glue or the stuff that be stuck will becom hard like glass that was why we meed to use glove when using the AB glue. To stick the glass fiber we need to keep the air out and it took times. In this time we not only learn the skill of making surfing board and working with each other but also paitence.

Fashion Design class II

2ed August, 2011
After making the original board we put the board we made on the fabric and and draw exactly the same shape we cut. We but the frount piece of dresses on the femal M size model to see how is it going. We found the fround collar wasn't rounded so we need to cut the shape part off, it is a very common mistake in cutting fabric. During the proces of macking dresses we need to keep chekcing each step that can avoid failure. This dresse is going to be the first piece of my fashion show in February.

Fashion Design class

1st Augest, 2011
I have learned fashion drawing before and now Im going to learn how to make a real dress. Before making dresses I need to learn how to draw the original board of shirts. This is one of the most important proces of making dresses. We need to know the stucture of dresses and shirts (their original boards are the same) well that we can draw the boards of most of the dresses and shirts. It was complicated of drawing the original board, we need to be acurate on drwaing or the dresses will be messed up. A dress or a shirt can be deform by one cntimiter so we need to be very careful when we are drawing.

Making white wine- packing

26th June, 2011
After the process cutting, selecting, washing and drying finally we started packing. We use the ratio 1:1 wiht the grapes and sugar. We use two different type of sugar to perserve, one is granulated sugar and the other is rock candy. We put grapes as first layer and then granulated sugar to be the second until the last layer of sugar we used rock candy.

 The last layer of rock candy.

We finished 16 glass of white wine in that day. We learned how to distribute job, how to make wine and some knowledge aobut grapes.

Making White Wine- washing and drying

 The following step after cuttign was washing the grapes. He is the leader of the foundation and also is the farmer. he said he was helping the grapes to have shower XDDDD
We need to make sure that we washed the grapes very clean or the antibody will distroy the ferment.

And then he made a bed for the grapes to dry them. Naughty kids wanted to help the grapes dry quietly and swang the hammock but the grapes all fall down. ( laugh.... XDDD)
We also need to make sure the grapes were dry before we put into the jar or the wet will miss up the frement too. Washing and Drying are the two most important process in making white wine.

After a hard work of the team, our lovely dinner appear =) thanks you mommy~

Making White Win for Jouathan Su Foundation- cutting and selection

  • Help to organize and foundation.
  • Learn snorkeling
  • Making wine for charity
  • Making surfing board.

Learning outcomes:
  • ·       Increased their awareness of their own strengths and areas for growth-  got the ability of communicate with other people and new experience of making wine and surfing board and snorkeling.
  • ·       Worked collaboratively with others – work with the other members in foundation.
  • ·       Shown perseverance and commitment in their activities- go to foundation every weekend.
  • ·       Developed new skills- making wine and surfing board and snorkeling

Jouathan Su Foundation is a foundation that teaching people how to help ourselves when we submerged in ocean and sharing sea activities just formed recently. I went to volunteer every weekend, I help to organize things such as helping make wine for charity. I also do some sea activities and making surfing board for hand-made surfing board competition. 

25th June, 2011. We (me and my mom) wen to Jonathan Su Foundation helping them making white wine for fundraising the fee to go to the compefition in Xiamen. The firt step for making whit wine is the cuttling down each drop of fresh grapes whith good quality. It seems very easy but when you cutting thousand of grapes into drop it was so freaking tired. We got some kids here to find the snail on the grapes, they were so funny and cute that always made me laugh.

The picture above is the stander of the grapes, the color of the grapes are fresh green and it was very tasty =)

The farmer didn't use any chemical during planting the grapes and the snails are the best evidence of that. This was the first step of making white wine; selection and cutting the grapes down. Next step is washing and drying the grapes and it is going to be the work tomorrow.

The last day of Taroko National Park

1st July, 2011. It was the last day of volunteering in the Taroko National Park. We already finished most of the works in the pervious day, placing the books back in the right palce, checking out the bokks that are going to thow and for today's work, we are going to organize the whole lirbary. We place the book that we classified yesterday and clean the environment of the lirbrary. We have been in the Taroko National Park for 8 hours in 5 days and 40 hours in total. During these time, we learn how to classify books (there is a system for classifing books), work with other volunteer and officer and got a good knowledge of rule a lirbary. It was a good experience in 2011 summer

Fourth Day of Taroko National Park

After a good effert of checking the books out, we discover a problem about the National Partk library system. The list and the actural books are not match, that's why we couldn't find most of the books on the list. That discovered the mistakes the previous officer made and need to be corret. We have been apperciated, we check each of the books in the library and read each of the numbers on the list because of our patience that made the new system to begin and work. We finished checking the book on the list toady and helping the classification of books today. Tomorrow is the last day for us volunteering in Taroko National Park.

Third day of Taroko National park

After we classified the book in the drawer into the right place, now we need to organizethe book behind me. The books behind me are the books which are going to thorw or give to the people inneed. Before we send them out, we need to check the number and sign it out. It was very tired to look at the complicated list, there are hundred of thousand of number that made me dazzling. After we read the list full of numbers for a whole day we were so tired but it need to be countinued tomorrow.