Every weekend I went to Jonathan Su Foundation and this week we learned how to snokelling. Befor we actually dive into the ocean, we practice breathing with goggle. It was very difficul to use mouth for breathing and the professor said in the ocean it is normal that the water will keep fill into the goggle so we need to practice breathing with water in.
After breating training on land we finally were going to ocean. Ocean is a very soft killer, we need to be very careful. We need to wear diving suit and shoes to protect our body and feet, another benefit of wearing diving suit is to keep us warm and floating. The water is cool and very fit with the hot summer, I was the first one who jumped into the water. There was a coach came with me taught and saved me. I really enjoyed the wave but after few minutes, I could'n control the breathe with the wave, I thount I was going to died!!!!! I beg the coach to bring me back to the land, almost cried. After I was step on the land, OH~ THANKS GOD! I said to myself, but it was fun I think after a few times of practice I can control the breathe and I will feel comfortable with the wave. It was a whole new experience for me, I enjoyed and learned a lot!