2011年8月14日 星期日

Making White Wine- washing and drying

 The following step after cuttign was washing the grapes. He is the leader of the foundation and also is the farmer. he said he was helping the grapes to have shower XDDDD
We need to make sure that we washed the grapes very clean or the antibody will distroy the ferment.

And then he made a bed for the grapes to dry them. Naughty kids wanted to help the grapes dry quietly and swang the hammock but the grapes all fall down. ( laugh.... XDDD)
We also need to make sure the grapes were dry before we put into the jar or the wet will miss up the frement too. Washing and Drying are the two most important process in making white wine.

After a hard work of the team, our lovely dinner appear =) thanks you mommy~

