2011年12月13日 星期二

Lesson 2: Cutting Fabric

November 4th, 2011 

Here we were the second class, cutting fabric. After knowing the structure and finishing cutting the paper model, we were going to cut the fabric now! We brought some paper and drawing materials for the children to draw as well. We brought the only table in the village out and started our works. Putting the huge post paper underneath to keep the fabric clean and smooth and we finally started. We broke into two groups that one was teaching making teddy bear and the other group was drawing the cards with the kids.

Fabrics are difficult to cut because it has elasticity that when we were cutting it will keep changing shape. Everyone was every concentrate as before, grandma tried her best to draw the shape on and cut, Mila is a girl only 14-years old, but she cannot go to school that economic condition is not allowing her to continue school.

Kids were a bit shy in the beginning that they didn't know what to draw but after we encouraged them, the ideas of drawing was flowing and there were more and more kids joined the drawing. This was a fantastic experience, I felt very happy by helping people in need and I also learned something form them, "optimistic"

Lesson 1: Cutting Paper

November 2nd, 2011

Because of the rain season that we haven't been to the village for a long time. Today, the weather finally cooperate with us and gave as a big smile. We were going to start our first lesson of making teddy bear, like the way of making dresses we need to cut the paper model and understand the structure first. I heard that today, most of the people in the village will come and learn how to make teddy bear. I was very excited to meet everyone, and on the way there, I can feel that this beg step forward of Teddy Baby is going to be very successful. Everyone was already there and ready to learn in fronted of the grocery store as usual. I can see the big smile on everyone's face and we stated to teach, it was very interesting that they were not only concentrated but also had fun during the teaching. I couldn't speak Indonesian properly that they felt funny to listen to my poor Indonesian and I was happy with that as well. Both the village and I were had a good time together and when we were about to left, there were two children came back from school. They were a couple of sibling, older brother and younger sister, they held our hands and touched their forehead. They asked us with their shining eyes and warm smile"will you guys come frequently? Are you going to teach us making teddy bears". I got strong feeling of that, they were wishing and exciting as well. I told myself, I will do my best to do the project and bring a better tomorrow together.  

Teddy Baby- Hello! Village

October 12th, 2011

After planning for a long time, we finally got to visit the village today. On the way there, I was a bit nervous about their reaction of the teddy baby project, will they be excited? or disappointed? I was surprise of the view that I saw when we arrived, it was kind of view that I only saw on movies, TV shows or advertisements before. As soon as the car door open, a uncomfortable smell appeared, it smelled like trash, food, sweat, soil and ash, wasn't too strong so I got used to it quickly. It wasn't much people there in the moment that most of the people were still working in the time.

 I only saw children, the leader of the village and some people doing recycled in fronted their house. Ms. Darma started to introduced Teddy Baby project to them, they seemed happy but a bit worry about how will the project works. I felt very sorry for them to live in this kind of life, they earned money by collecting trash, they works with optimistic and very hard, but they still live in poverty. They don't have enough clear water to use and explain the muds on children's face. I really wish my Teddy Baby project can improve their life, because they need a opportunity to change and worth for a better tomorrow.