Nov. 9th 2011
After one sewing class, here came the second one. Sewing is a very important but difficult part that we need to spend much more time on it. We were up to body and head last time, today we would go though the rest of the teddy bears' structures. Personally, I think the most difficult part is the head that there are three pieces to form and because of the shape it is very hard to control the fabric. If we didn't do the head right, the bears might not have nose and neck, the shape is very important. I check their work today, even though some of them did it wrong, they didn't mind to change and practice it. I was very impressive with that and believe that we can make this project work. In the same time, we met challenge, the cotton that we order was delay and we couldn't go on next step without cotton. Our process was stuck!
We couldn't do the drawing and teaching class today because we only had two people to come the village. I saw the kids play around with songs while we were working. They were so happy, laughing so hardly. But I felt sorry for them, they suppose to have a better tomorrow, childhood and go to school. That's why we were here, I say to myself.