2011年7月3日 星期日

Application of volumteer of Taroko Naional Park

  • To help Taroko National Park set up a new library system.
  • To help Taroko National Park organize the books.

Learning outcomes:
  • ·       Increased their awareness of their own strengths and areas for growth- how to organize books in library system.
  • ·       Undertaken new challenges- can classify the books correctly.
  • ·       Planned and initiated activities- Plan to help the system done.
  • ·       Worked collaboratively with others – work with the other volunteer 
  • ·       Shown perseverance and commitment in their activities- go to work everyday until the last day.
  • ··       Developed new skills- learn how to classify the books by using library system.

Taroko National Park is one of the famouest National Park in Taiwan and is the only National Park in eastern Taiwan. The geography in eastern Taiwan is full of special valleies, mountains and rivers. Before the summer vacation staredt I applied the volumteer of Taroko National Park in Hualien, Taiwan. After I arrived in Taiwan, I accepted the acceptance from Taroko National Park. My job is to help them organize the library, the library is setting up a new system and they need some people the hlep them with the books, me and my friends got the time from 27th June to 1st July, eight hours a day, five days in tatol.

