2011年4月27日 星期三

Ardha Kurmasana, Half- Tortoise Pose

  • Stand tall seated on your knees.
  • Cross your thumbs.
  • Keeping a flat back and your torso aligned with your arms, slowly begin to dive forward.
  • Reach your arms out and land with your “pinkie” fingers supporting the pose. If possible, try to keep your elbows off the ground.

Half- Tortoise pose is a relaxed pose that it wasn’t difficult to do, for doing the pose the most important point is to control the breath and relaxed, we don’t need to use the energy with it. I very like the position of the feet that during the pose I cant strongly feel the stress but when we relaxed, the blood all flow back that feel really good. During the pose Mrs. Alicia will press on our shoulder help us to relax the shoulder, after the pose the only words I can use to describe is RELAXED, feels like all the pressures are disappear.

Basic Yoga Poses for Balance

                Come onto all fours, with hands directly under shoulders and knees directly under hips.
                Your eyes should be open for this pose.  Keep your head up and find a point to focus on.  Gaze steadily at this point as you practice this pose.  This will help you keep your balance and also help you develop the power of concentration and mental focus.
                Extend your left arm straight out and your right leg straight back.  Your fingers and toes should be extended and the arm and leg should be parallel to the ground.  Look back and make sure your leg is straight and not angled up or down.
                Now begin Long Deep Breathing.  As you inhale deeply, elongate your body, reaching forward with your arm, while at the same time reaching back with your leg.  Feel yourself elongating from the hips.  As you exhale "contract" back to normal.
For the basic balance pose I suddenly find out that my balance so bad! I even can’t hold for one minute, in the beginning of doing the balance pose I used the wrong force point. We supposed to use the belly to hold the pose but I used the leg that stay at floor to hold the pose that made the leg very pain and uncomfortable. This pose is the most challenge pose for me; I will practice to make it better.

The earth day

Earth day is an every important day for our project that is the day that we present to the whole school. For earth day, we prepared a workshop and a presentation to introduce our project to the others. For the workshop we print some photo about bins introduced the project by painting and some documents. Earth day is the day that all the service projects are going to present so there were also had sekola bisa and the other recycled project. On the assembly at the last period of the day that was having several presentations to present including us so we couldn’t spend too much time on it. This time I didn’t do the presentation on stage so I help for the poster that placed in the workshop. For the poster we drew the bins, put some describe and the mission, to make the project clearer. The presentation was nice that we clearly stated our mission and proposes, hope that the project will work well and the whole school can join us to protect our environment. 

The proposal presentation

After the day we practiced for it, we had an actual presentation to the high school president Mr. Paul during the morning break on 15, Apr. The presentation was fine that was the result of the practicing, I was worried about it at the beginning, I did some research on Tze Chi that helped me on the presentation and we presented as a group so we can help each other to finish the sections. Mr. Paul had some questions to ask, such as should we only order one bins in the beginning? Why can’t we use the pervious recycled bins? How to make it work? Where the money comes from? For answer, we only order one for the beginning because we want to test it work or not that we can fix the problem after testing. The pervious recycled bins project was failed and the bins were already used in other way so that we need to order the new one that with good quality and better than the pervious one. We will teach people how to use the bins and tell them the benefit of using the bins that make them want to do the project themselves.  In the end of the meeting, Mr. Paul gave us three option for the proposal, first is to ask the school to give the money; second is to foundries the money ourselves. Mr. Paul said that he well pass the message to Mr. John that is the CEO of SWA and next step is to do the same presentation to the whole school on earth day on 21, Apr.

2011年4月17日 星期日

meeting- prepare for the proposal presentation

4/14 after school we set up a meeting to prepare the proposal presentation to Mr. Pual. We sorted out all the information that we collected and made a keynote for the presentation. For this meeting we also decided the company that we are going to choose, the price of the Taiwanese company is too high that cost US 500 per bin and we need to pay for the ship too. The group from grade 8 is already done the keynote but we need to make sure the informations and decided the part who should present, the part i need to introduce is "Tzu Chi" and "our mission". in the end of today meeting we practice for the presentation that was nice that we can help each other to find out what to say it helped me a lot that the presentation made me nervous and they can also help me the pronunciation. The proposal presentation meeting is going to be at morning break tomorrow.

2011年4月13日 星期三

Chinese Painting and Calligraphy

In the third term I joined the Chinese painting and calligraphy, when I was in Taiwan. Calligraphy is an official class of school so most of the students can do calligraphy well. I  was interested in calligraphy when I was in elementary school, it’s very proud and important to learn the Chinese traditional culture. Now I have a chance to keep improving the calligraphy and learn Chinese painting that is the whole new skill that challenge me.


We set up the meeting for the size and shape of the bins, we chose the bins design by the Tieh Chin Kung Metal Industry co., Ltd and changed the size of the original one to make it bigger. Tieh Chin Kung Metal Industry co., Ltd is the Taiwanese company that I contacted, I already sent a few email to contact the company and got some information reply, they will help us to ship the bins here but now we need to do is to decide the number of the bins that we are going to order. We got a problem with the bins’ amount at the time that we pay for the fee once we when we ship that we don’t want to send is many times or it will cost a lot.

Meeting- 3

I started to contact the Taiwanese company, the information that we need to set up is the bins’ size, the total amount of the bins and the look of the bins. Tieh Chin Kung Metal Industry co., Ltd is a professional stainless steel company that we can design the bins that we need and they will make exactly the same one. Elena from grade 8, got other bins making company that we need to relatively two companies and choose the one that we can have the biggest benefit. The bins are still designed that we will look the other bins and the school who do recycling in school got some information and experience from them.

2011年4月12日 星期二


in this week we do the "sun salutation", it's form by a series of poses and match up with the breath. Each pose have the breath step to work with and active all of the muscle.  The sun salutation can relax the joints, muscle and the internal organic. People believe that when dawn and dusk the air will full of prana( the energy of live), and it's the best timing to do the sun salutation that we can obtain the prana the most. For the first time to do the sun salutation it wasn't that difficult cause we keep changing the poses that we don't need to hold a pose for a long time. To follow the breath tempo is kind of challenge for me that my breath will getting faster when i doing the movement. We practice breathing in the first few minuet of the class for getting the breathing slow down and i think it will getting slower by practicing.

image from: http://enjoylohas.pixnet.net/blog/post/20080014



Learning outcome:
  •         Increased their awareness of their own strengths and areas for growth- body getting softer and stressless
  •         Undertaken new challenges- to do Salamba Sarvangasana- shoulderstand
  •         Planned and initiated activities- join the class very week
  •         Shown perseverance and commitment in their activities-joint the class very week
  •          Developed new skills- learn how to do yoga.

After the football finished in the end of the second term, I choose yoga for my activity. Yoga it’s a soft and smooth activity that we don’t need a lot of movement only posing and is an exercise of body, mind and spirit. Yoga is famous of relaxing and relieve stress which is fit the people who suffer of the pressures. I haven’t tried yoga before and this is going to be a whole new experience to me, I start the yoga every Tuesday afterschool in the third term. The aim for me is to practice the yoga pose and challenge my body from some hard yoga poses.

second meeting

We discuses the bins today, we contact Jakarta International School, which is the school in Jakarta, is already do the recycling in school. In Jakarta International School, they spread the trash into three different types, general, plastic and can; Jakarta International School gave us some company to contact and some information. We search the company in the meeting too, we looked at the British company, American company and Taiwanese company. The nearest for us is Taiwanese company and I can do the contacting, we choose a Taiwanese company that we design the bins ourselves and ask them to make it. In today meeting we need to find out the size, shape and like for the next meeting and during these days that will be contact with the company.

2011年4月6日 星期三

Second visit of Tzu Chi

Jessica and I went to Tzu Chi again on 7th March, 11. This time we are going to find out how we transport the trash to Tzu Chi? Where to get the recycled bins? How should we classify the recycled trash? Should we wash it before we send? How long should we send the trash to the organization? How long should we send the food (if the food stay too long, they will decay)? For this time visit, the result that we get is the answer for the question. We can use the truck from Tzu Chi to transport the recycled trash from school and do it once to twice a week; Tzu Chi doesn’t offer the recycled bins. Tzu Chi classifies the trash in details, even the plastic bag and plastic bottle are in different type, and papers have much more type, color paper, white paper, and magazine paper and box paper. It will be better if we wash the trash before we clean them up, we should sent the food once two days. 

Fist Meeting

(the recycled bins in my pervious school in Taiwan)
We had a first meeting with group in grade 8 on 2nd March, 11. In the meeting we disgusted about recycled bins, we need to get the bins then start to do recycle, but we are not sure what kind of bins (eg: iron, plastic) is fit for school, and even different building have different kind of trash. Food is only going to be placed in the building that serves food, paper is going to e placed in each building and each floor, plastic and aluminum foil will be placed in each building first floor. We decide to start with two buildings, Zen Heng and Gajamada which is the building that we are and these building is the junior high and high that will be educated easier.  In today’s conclusion we divide the job to each group, in my group (Alice and Jessica) we are going to Tzu Chi again and get more information.

First Visit Tzu Chi (慈濟)

We went to Tzu Chi on 2nd November; this is the first time we went there, today’s propose is to get some information from the organization.  Before we went there, we already have a few meeting in school and prepare some question to ask, such as what kind of trash can be recycle, how there help the poor, where will the recycled trash be. Ms. Darma went with us for the first visit, helped us with the communication and suggested us for the next visit. In the beginning I was afraid that I won’t understand the conversation, but Tzu Chi is a Taiwanese organization, which can speak Chinese that’s is such a good news for me. In Taiwan, Tzu Chi is the biggest charity and famous for their philanthropy, I think it will be better for me to choose a organization that I know well and in language I can communicated easier. For today’s conclusion we decided to do recycling in school.

Football- Shooting

We took shooting for part of our warm up, as soon as we got the field and start shooting practice. Shooting is the key of goal so it’s obviously important that needs concentration, power, direction and some luck. When shooting at goal from a distance or making longer passes to your teammates, you need both power and accuracy. The top of the foot is the best part of the foot to use for this kick. It gives you a flat surface with which to kick the ball giving you better power and control over the ball. Try not to kick the ball with your toe. Try to approach the ball from the side rather than straight on. It makes it easier to drive the ball than if you come at it straight on.

Football- Passing

Passing is the most important the basic skill in football that we practice a lot during the train. Spread the team into two people a group, players passes the ball between each other using limited touches.  I think it’s the most basic but the most difficult skill, we not only needs to control the direction of ball but also the power of kicking, it’s hard to do it perfectly. There’s a point of passing that I got from the practice, it is better if we stop the ball first before kicking back, it gave the time to think and control the direction and power then the ball will go the way in the nice direction as you expect, but the problem is that it will be slow if we are on the match so practicing helps us improving the technique.

Football Match II

Here comes the second game of MACAN on 9, October in STB.  This time we assemble at school at 6:45 first got to the filed together. It’s better to go together, it make us like a team. After a moth practice and practice this time is a chance to check and accept, like Mr. Gavin said, we are not necessarily to win but try our best. I felt more confidant this time and I think so do rest of the team, after warming up the only thing we need to do is wait, but like the last time, time gone fast. This time we only have one team, and my place was change, I was striker, which is going to start the game (which made me more nervous) we won the first game! In this time we only lose a few games, I was surprised with the development and how the team work.  In the way back, everyone is freaking tired, we really did our best, even we were fired I think we were also happy with the teamwork. MACAN IS THE BEST!! 

Football Match I

Our first game came on 25, September in Global Java. Everyone needs to arrive at seven and half, first thing when we arrived is warming up to wake the muscle up, it’s too early for a Saturday morning. Because there are too many people in our school, so we break the players into two teams, and I was in the second team that will be on later. The first game for the second team was coming quickly, I was so nervous! The place that I played is right midfielder, nervous make me get tired easier, it’s good for our too have a big team that can have more chance and time to take a rest. We were not did well this time, only won a few games, but for the very first time of us it’s nice, in age we are younger then the others and we are a young team which just form for few weeks. Well DONE MACAN!!!  We will do it better next time, by training and practice. 

Football I

The first day of the practice is freaking tired, and because the team is new, we don’t know each other well; it’s a bit awkward. After warming up the whole team is already got tired, we practice passing with partner, in the first time every one ball are out of control, most of the people are not passing the ball to their partner in front of them. For the last few minuets we had our first team game, but I was so scared to kick the ball and afraid the hurt the others. This is our first training, so tired but also excited for the next training

Chinese Painting- Trunk

The first Chinese painting that I am going to learn is trunk. In Chinese painting the most important part is the use of the vital energy, it control the strength of the painting present and it also a feature of the Chinese painting. Because that I already learned calligraphy for a while so Chinese painting isn’t that difficult for me, they have the same skill which is the use of the vital energy the main four types (steps) are opening, continue, turning and ending, these four steps need to be conclude in all the Chinese painting such as flowers, trunks, bamboos and calligraphy. For trunks, the opening stroke is the most important part that connects the painting will be success or fail. The mother stroke needs to be strong, firm and crude, the daughter strokes need to be thinker, softer and smoother, we also can use water to create different range of black. We use rice paper for Chinese painting and calligraphy and that create a beautiful and nature range of color when we mix the different ratio of ink and water.  My first stroke isn’t very work very well cause I didn’t know the rice paper well so I stop on the paper too long and make the turning point very obvious and the ink halo open too much.

Fashion drawing III

In fashion drawing, we need to consider any kind of angle so we do need to learn different poses. Because of the changing poses, the structure will be change too, but the ratio is still. For example my first change pose is standing with on hand akimbo and stand in 37 steps. The change is to tilt the horizontal lines to the changed angle. Most of the change is about the part below the waist, which including butt, thigh, calf and feet, and in some care the pose of the hands will change too (like this time my pose is with right hand akimbo) The hardest part for me in this time is calf, fingers, arm and butt, because of the pose changed, butt is the part that change the most, the whole shape is changed, and it’s hard to draw with out the ratio square the only way is to follow the instincts, and that’s the trickiest part, drawing without standard. Arm is challenge me this time, in the last drawing, the arms are straight but with the right hand akimbo the hand folded and the ratio is new and hard to get the point. Well, keep practicing is the only way to do it perfect, effort! 

Fashion drawing II

 After drawing the body, I am going to learn how to draw face. The golden ratio of face is 2:3 (2 is forehead) and the long- breadth ratio is also 2:3, in face from top to bottom including hair, forehead, eyebrows, eyes, ears, nose and lips. The first step is to draw eyes, the place of eyes is below the middle line of the face, the ratio of eyes and the space between them is 1:1:1. After finished the eyes the others will be easier to place. The trickiest part for me is the shape of eyes and lips, until now the two eyes still can’t be the same shape, the shape of the lips are irregular and have the muscle lines on too. I’m not good at drawing muscle lines and symmetry.