2011年4月6日 星期三

Football Match II

Here comes the second game of MACAN on 9, October in STB.  This time we assemble at school at 6:45 first got to the filed together. It’s better to go together, it make us like a team. After a moth practice and practice this time is a chance to check and accept, like Mr. Gavin said, we are not necessarily to win but try our best. I felt more confidant this time and I think so do rest of the team, after warming up the only thing we need to do is wait, but like the last time, time gone fast. This time we only have one team, and my place was change, I was striker, which is going to start the game (which made me more nervous) we won the first game! In this time we only lose a few games, I was surprised with the development and how the team work.  In the way back, everyone is freaking tired, we really did our best, even we were fired I think we were also happy with the teamwork. MACAN IS THE BEST!! 

