2011年12月13日 星期二

Lesson 2: Cutting Fabric

November 4th, 2011 

Here we were the second class, cutting fabric. After knowing the structure and finishing cutting the paper model, we were going to cut the fabric now! We brought some paper and drawing materials for the children to draw as well. We brought the only table in the village out and started our works. Putting the huge post paper underneath to keep the fabric clean and smooth and we finally started. We broke into two groups that one was teaching making teddy bear and the other group was drawing the cards with the kids.

Fabrics are difficult to cut because it has elasticity that when we were cutting it will keep changing shape. Everyone was every concentrate as before, grandma tried her best to draw the shape on and cut, Mila is a girl only 14-years old, but she cannot go to school that economic condition is not allowing her to continue school.

Kids were a bit shy in the beginning that they didn't know what to draw but after we encouraged them, the ideas of drawing was flowing and there were more and more kids joined the drawing. This was a fantastic experience, I felt very happy by helping people in need and I also learned something form them, "optimistic"

Lesson 1: Cutting Paper

November 2nd, 2011

Because of the rain season that we haven't been to the village for a long time. Today, the weather finally cooperate with us and gave as a big smile. We were going to start our first lesson of making teddy bear, like the way of making dresses we need to cut the paper model and understand the structure first. I heard that today, most of the people in the village will come and learn how to make teddy bear. I was very excited to meet everyone, and on the way there, I can feel that this beg step forward of Teddy Baby is going to be very successful. Everyone was already there and ready to learn in fronted of the grocery store as usual. I can see the big smile on everyone's face and we stated to teach, it was very interesting that they were not only concentrated but also had fun during the teaching. I couldn't speak Indonesian properly that they felt funny to listen to my poor Indonesian and I was happy with that as well. Both the village and I were had a good time together and when we were about to left, there were two children came back from school. They were a couple of sibling, older brother and younger sister, they held our hands and touched their forehead. They asked us with their shining eyes and warm smile"will you guys come frequently? Are you going to teach us making teddy bears". I got strong feeling of that, they were wishing and exciting as well. I told myself, I will do my best to do the project and bring a better tomorrow together.  

Teddy Baby- Hello! Village

October 12th, 2011

After planning for a long time, we finally got to visit the village today. On the way there, I was a bit nervous about their reaction of the teddy baby project, will they be excited? or disappointed? I was surprise of the view that I saw when we arrived, it was kind of view that I only saw on movies, TV shows or advertisements before. As soon as the car door open, a uncomfortable smell appeared, it smelled like trash, food, sweat, soil and ash, wasn't too strong so I got used to it quickly. It wasn't much people there in the moment that most of the people were still working in the time.

 I only saw children, the leader of the village and some people doing recycled in fronted their house. Ms. Darma started to introduced Teddy Baby project to them, they seemed happy but a bit worry about how will the project works. I felt very sorry for them to live in this kind of life, they earned money by collecting trash, they works with optimistic and very hard, but they still live in poverty. They don't have enough clear water to use and explain the muds on children's face. I really wish my Teddy Baby project can improve their life, because they need a opportunity to change and worth for a better tomorrow.

2011年10月10日 星期一

Reflection of YOGA by Mrs. Alecia

To Whom It May Concern

I am writing in regards to Alice Guai, and her involvement in the Extra Curricular Yoga Program at Sinarmas World Academy.

I’ve always believed that a good student is one that listens with an open mind, and is open to trying new things without judgment. Alice demonstrated just this. She was always on time, very attentive to instructions and most of all, eager to try something new. She showed growth in her awareness to her breathing exercises and most importantly, connecting her breath to her body. Alice also persevered through an asana (posture) that is seen to be difficult, Salamba Sarvangasana (shoulder stand). She learned not only how to hold the posture, but the benefits of the posture, which is the deeper connection that Yoga has on the subtle body.

Yoga is a practice on and off the mat. Her commitment to producing a beautiful blog documenting her understanding of the practice is inspiring and shows her level of commitment to growing, understanding and learning.

I am proud to have had the opportunity to share my practice and love of Yoga with Alice. I hope the lessons I have taught her follow her throughout her journeys. Maybe Yoga will find a permanent place in her life.

Many Blessings,

Alecia Chin
RYT 500

2011年10月5日 星期三

Teddy Baby- lesson 3, finish sewing head

Everyone were so concentrated! We kept sewing the head and the rest of the body in our third lesson. The same techniques to sew the fabrics and my students are more familiar with it and feel more confident. I discover that to watching people do hand making can also know the characteristic of the person. Stacy cut the fabric perfectly that match her personality of careful and considerate. Katy cut the fabric roughly that tells she is a naive and hopeful like everything is fine. Nini cut the fabric very slowly because she kept chatting and bring lots of laugh in class. Nin Nin always very concentrate at her  works that she is a very hard working person. Now I'm wondering that what will the teacher think of my personality? It is very interesting to being teacher, I'm not only teaching my knowledge and techniques about hand making but also learn how to teach and being a good teacher in the same time. A good teacher need to be patient that need to repeat the thing again and again and also tried to express the idea by using the right worlds. We finished the head today and plan to go  to the village on 24th Oct. 2011 so we are going to prepare the materials that we are going to use and the techniques that we are going to use in teaching.

Teddy Baby- Lesson 2, Start sewing

After cutting the fabric in the shape as teddy bear we started to sew each part of the body. We started the part of head, put the fabric front side faced to front side that we are going to sewing on the back side of fabric. That can hide the threads that we used to sewing which is not that pretty. To sew the fabric by hand we need to be careful the sharp needle or we will hurt ourselves easily. We use a technique called "back sewing" that made double threads and firmer to hold the fabrics together. We need to make sure that we sew the them properly or the cotton that we are going to use will break the suture easily. I also taught how to tie threads which is very important on sewing things. Because my students are all beginner that their process are a bit slow but it doesn't matter, more time we spent we get a better result.

Second Mach at BIS against JIS

This was my second mach of grade 12 on 24th Sep. 2011. We went to British International School for match this time. Get up as early as usual and so sleepy. Today we are going to against JIS which is very stressful and hard. We warm up before the game started and practice some basic skills such as passing and shooting. All the player from JIS are looked awesome but we will try our best. Our confidence was murdered in the first few minutes of the game, we lost score and I started to become SUPER nervous. We played as hard as we can and we are the best. It was ok if we lost the game because the game wasn't fair, they kept saying rude words and had mean movements. Macan is 100% nice team and that made us win!!!! We finished the season in third place this year, which is a very good place for us. Macan working very HARD and organized that is not only take us to a higher place but raise the value of football team.

football control the ball

During games, it is very important that keeping the ball with you. We practice how to control the ball in the second week. There were few corns in the course that we need to run and control the ball with us. It is not that difficult when we do it slowly but none is going to play the game in such a slow speed. The first step was to pass the ball to your partner in fount of you and run the position where she was. Second step was to  accept the ball kicked by your partner and bring it with you to run a S shape in front of you. The last step was to run to goal and tried your best to shoot. It was a general practice that contain running, controlling, passing an shooting. As usual, practicing is the only way to goal.

2011年10月4日 星期二

Teddy Baby- Lesson 1, cutting

Before cutting the fabric we need to cut the paper model out first that can avoid making mistakes and wasting fabrics. Cutting paper model is a pice of cake for my students but there are so chatting that made this process took almost half hour = =". After cutting the paper model we need to be noticed of placing the paper model. Some of the paper model need to be cut in both front and back side (that had two opposite directions) such as head, feet and arms. We can use pencil or pen to copy the lines on the fabric but the challenge was that control fabrics is not as easy as paper.  Fabric can be move easily so we usually set the paper model with pins. Cutting is another challenge for my students, fabrics are too easily to move and fold that they couldn't follow the lines that they have drawn. The skill of cutting fabrics is to lay the fabric down on the table and cut it. It sounds difficult but is actually easier to control the fabric ands scissor. Scissor is very important in cutting fabrics as well that it need to be very sharp and we never use the scissor which is cutting fabric to cut paper it is going to damage the scissor.  I also taught my students about the direction of fabric. The direction of fabric is very important of making dresses that we affect the pattern, toughness. I taught these skills and knowledge to my students and very enjoy being a teacher.

Buying Fabric part 1

(Ms. Darma does her best to help with the project, THANK YOU MISS )

I got two projects that need fabric and at the beginning I thought I am only going to use the fabric from Taiwan but now I changed my mind to use the fabric from Indonesia as well. For fashion show, my topic is going to be "culture shock" and I am going to use some Indonesian elements. The first thing that came in my mind is Indonesian famous traditional fabric- Batik. I can use it in my design and mix it with the Taiwanese fabric to create a culture shock. My Teddy Baby project also need fabric. We are going to teach the village how the make teddy bear, help them to sell and bring the money back. Batik is a choice for making teddy bear, it is traditional and a strong symbol of Indonesia. I ask Ms. Darma to help me with the buying and I am going to the fabric market on 17th Sep. 2011.

Match at SPH against PSH

YEAH!!!!! we win this time, you might already noticed the BIG SMILE shining and our brilliant "W" on the photo above. (It suppose to be perfect "W" but I don't know what happened I didn't show it in both of the picture = =") It was a wonderful Saturday morning on 17th Sep. 2011. I went to SPH for my first match in grade 12. We warm up as usual and practiced passing in the circle. I was quite nervous because I haven't had games for a while. FOCUS, i said to myself and the loud whistle began the game. My position was right midfield this time and my job is try to pass the ball front and make chance to goal! It was quite tired and I sprained my ankle, it wasn't that hurt in the time and I could still play the game. We finished the game as 2:0 which is a perfect victory. The whole team was organized the helped each other, we learned not only skills but also tacit understanding during practices.

 See! we are so proud and glad =) Well done Macan!!!!!!!!!

football shooting

After practicing passing another very important skill is shooting. It is the key to get goal as well but need to control the direction and power properly. We used the inside area of the foot the shoot in the beginning. I didn't let the power to raise my foot up that made the power smaller and hurt myself easily. I deliberately stop my foot after I kicked the ball that I didn't let the power out but stop in the end. My ball is just rolling in the ground and didn't come up have a perfect parabola. I was sad to look my skills regressed but I think it will come back to if I keep practicing. We use the back of our foot to shoot in the second time. Mr. Gavin said that this way is more powerful but hard to control. Ms. Tracy said she only can use this way to kick. I didn't familiar with is but it is more powerful and hard to kick. I need to slow my running and then kick the ball. It looks a bit silly but it will getting better by practicing.

Football Passing

Passing is a very important and basic skill in football. The key point to win games is passing the ball to the right position and try to goal. I haven't played football for a while that I am not familiar with it anymore. My feet in not listen me and my power is not enough to control and kick the ball. We practice passing in my first day of training. We need to passing the ball between the corn and it was about practicing controlling. If the ball went out we need to run half course which is super tired!!!!!! All my balls rolling slowly and carefully but one on them hit the corn >"< Super Nice Mr. Gavin didn't ask me to run which is super good as him LOL. We practiced passing with partner and the point is to stop and control the ball before we passing. After practicing I felt much better with the passing skill and I am sure it is going to work during the following games.

2011年9月8日 星期四

Bin project meeting after vacation

We have done the presentation to the principle and got a positive feedback. The principle and school's CEO are both happy with the project. We lost some of the members that was the leader last year and that cause some missing and confuse part. We didn't transfer the job well and miss some point of the project. I got a meeting with Mr. rick, the grade 8 group and the school's accouter to try to figure out what state the project is. All of us don't clearly know the details about ordering the bins and what's why we still can not get the bin in school until now. The accouter said that she knows the project and the thing that we need to do is to decide the ordering detail such as the materials and company and form the proposal. School will support this project, and we are pretty close to get it done all we need is more effort and communication. We plan to have a meeting tomorrow lunch time and figure all the problems out.

Teddy Baby Project

(The picture is about the fabric and example that I'm going to use for the club)

  • To teach people how to do hand making and some knowledges about fabric.
  • To help the people in need by teaching them and sell the hand making.

Learning outcomes:

  • ·       Increased their awareness of their own strengths and areas for growth- learning how to teach
  • ·       Undertaken new challenges- learn how to teach and helping people in need. 
  • ·       Planned and initiated activities- Plan from teaching people to bring the charity back.
  • ·       Worked collaboratively with others – work with the club members.
  • ·       Shown perseverance and commitment in their activities- go to every lesson and meeting.
  • ·       Engaged with issues of global importance- give the opportunity to poor people in Indonesia.
  • ·       Considered the ethical implications of their actions- help the poor people in need.
  • ·       Developed new skills- learn how to teaching and selling.

I plan to hold a hand making club in school's after school program. I am going to teach people how to make teddy bear, giraffe, bunny and little bags. I got the idea from one of the foundation called 'Sunshine' that I worked during summer vacation. I got the skill and interest in hand making that I help the foundation to make some items for charity and I think it will be a good idea to teach and introduce this good hobby to the others. I have been learned so much from the others and this is a good chance for me to learn how to teach. I am going to put the hand making club as a part of my fashion show, I can also sale the teddy bear made by me and my students for charity, too. The club is going to be on every Monday after school. We also plan to teach the poor people around about the hand making skills and sell the products for them for living. We are not only develop our new skills but help the people in need.

Football Team

  • To improve football skills such as shooting and passing.
  • To learn how to work as a team and win the games.
Learning outcomes:
  • ·       Increased their awareness of their own strengths and areas for growth-  got new football skills such as  shooting and passing and group working
  • ·       Undertaken new challenges- can play the football better such as passing and shooting.  
  • ·       Planned and initiated activities- Plan to develop the skill and join the train and match.
  • ·       Worked collaboratively with others – in football we all work in team.
  • ·       Shown perseverance and commitment in their activities
  • ·       Developed new skills- Develop football skill such as passing, heading, running.

I join the football team in school for grade 12 as well. My goal is to learn how to cooperate with people and win the games. We got much more games then last year, that means more efforts and possibilities to win. We got a lot more players this year and only train for one season. This is a very good opportunity for me to improve my football skills, learn collaboration and try my best to win the games. The training is going to be every Wednesday and Friday after school.

2011年8月14日 星期日

Jonathan Su Foundation- Snokelling

 9th July, 2011
Every weekend I went to Jonathan Su Foundation and this week we learned how to snokelling. Befor we actually dive into the ocean, we practice breathing with goggle. It was very difficul to use mouth for breathing and the professor said in the ocean it is normal that the water will keep fill into the goggle so we need to practice breathing with water in.

After breating training on land we finally were going to ocean. Ocean is a very soft killer, we need to be very careful. We need to wear diving suit and shoes to protect our body and feet, another benefit of wearing diving suit is to keep us warm and floating. The water is cool and very fit with the hot summer, I was the first one who jumped into the water. There was a coach came with me taught and saved me. I really enjoyed the wave but after few minutes, I could'n control the breathe with the wave, I thount I was going to died!!!!! I beg the coach to bring me back to the land, almost cried. After I was step on the land, OH~ THANKS GOD! I said to myself, but it was fun I think after a few times of practice I can control the breathe and I will feel comfortable with the wave. It was a whole new experience for me, I enjoyed and learned a lot!

Jonathan Su Foundation- making surfing board

2nd August, 2011
We went to Jonathan Su Foundation making our surfing board for the hand-made surfing board competitio in Xiamen. We already shape the four angle into rounded and now we are going to put a thin layer of glass fiber to keep the board strong and organized. We use AB glue to stick the glass fiber and styrofoam (the matireal that we used for the board is completly weak!) together. We need to careful by using the AB glue or the stuff that be stuck will becom hard like glass that was why we meed to use glove when using the AB glue. To stick the glass fiber we need to keep the air out and it took times. In this time we not only learn the skill of making surfing board and working with each other but also paitence.

Fashion Design class II

2ed August, 2011
After making the original board we put the board we made on the fabric and and draw exactly the same shape we cut. We but the frount piece of dresses on the femal M size model to see how is it going. We found the fround collar wasn't rounded so we need to cut the shape part off, it is a very common mistake in cutting fabric. During the proces of macking dresses we need to keep chekcing each step that can avoid failure. This dresse is going to be the first piece of my fashion show in February.

Fashion Design class

1st Augest, 2011
I have learned fashion drawing before and now Im going to learn how to make a real dress. Before making dresses I need to learn how to draw the original board of shirts. This is one of the most important proces of making dresses. We need to know the stucture of dresses and shirts (their original boards are the same) well that we can draw the boards of most of the dresses and shirts. It was complicated of drawing the original board, we need to be acurate on drwaing or the dresses will be messed up. A dress or a shirt can be deform by one cntimiter so we need to be very careful when we are drawing.

Making white wine- packing

26th June, 2011
After the process cutting, selecting, washing and drying finally we started packing. We use the ratio 1:1 wiht the grapes and sugar. We use two different type of sugar to perserve, one is granulated sugar and the other is rock candy. We put grapes as first layer and then granulated sugar to be the second until the last layer of sugar we used rock candy.

 The last layer of rock candy.

We finished 16 glass of white wine in that day. We learned how to distribute job, how to make wine and some knowledge aobut grapes.

Making White Wine- washing and drying

 The following step after cuttign was washing the grapes. He is the leader of the foundation and also is the farmer. he said he was helping the grapes to have shower XDDDD
We need to make sure that we washed the grapes very clean or the antibody will distroy the ferment.

And then he made a bed for the grapes to dry them. Naughty kids wanted to help the grapes dry quietly and swang the hammock but the grapes all fall down. ( laugh.... XDDD)
We also need to make sure the grapes were dry before we put into the jar or the wet will miss up the frement too. Washing and Drying are the two most important process in making white wine.

After a hard work of the team, our lovely dinner appear =) thanks you mommy~